(December 2020) A report by the Hutchinson administration to a legislative panel estimates $57.6 million in savingsfrom last year’s reorganization of state government. The report, which surveys efficiency efforts since July 2019 also cites a Policy Foundation finding that the state has recovered more than $40 million from “collection recovery efforts.”

The state Department of Transformation and Shared Services presented the report in late November to the legislature’sJoint Budget Committee. The report focuses on five areas: facilities, budget reduction, personnel, reinvested savings, and transformation efficiencies. The savings were reported as follows:

  • Facilities: $1.4 million in savings on rent;
  • Budget Reduction: $10 million reduction in performance fund;
  • Performance-Related Savings: $12.3 million;
  • Personnel : $6.6 million;
  • Reinvested Savings: $18.7 million;
  • Transformation Efficiencies: $8.5

Other Reorganization Details


The report cites a “92,313 square feet reduction in space.” The use of attrition reduced personnel costs. Fifty-fourexamples of “reinvested savings” were cited in the report. Forty-seven cases of “transformation efficiencies” were noted.

The 18-page report is posted on the Policy Foundation’s homepage: www.arkansaspolicyfoundation.org