“The first problem is state spending that exceeds U.S. and regional averages on a per capita basis.” Arkansas Policy Foundation, February 2019 memo

(January 2020) Total Operating Expenditures for the State of Arkansas increased $1.49 billion between FY 2015 and FY 2017, public records show.1

Total Operating Expenditures


(2015) $23,596,144,446
(2017) $25,090,401,084


Federal revenues increased $1.2 billion in the same period, records show.

Federal Revenues to State of Arkansas

(2015)             $6,698,348,304

(2017)             $7,889,945,406


A spending freeze on the state segment of Operating Expenditures would have saved more than $300 million in the period.

Effect of State Spending Freeze


(2015) $16,897,796,142
(2017) $17,200,455,678
Savings $302,659,536