(July 15, 2011) U.S. and Arkansas payroll employment has increased slightly since the recession’s end two years ago, though few sectors are growing.


The following U.S. employment sectors have expanded since June 2009:


         Education & Health Services                                 +749,000

         Professional & Business Services                        +724,000

         Mining                                                                     +100,000

        Other Services                                                         +75,000

         Trade, Transportation & Utilities                                +4,000


Temporary help contributed 479,100 of these new positions within the Services-providing sector.


The following Arkansas employment sectors have expanded:


         Professional & Business Services                          +9,400

         Education & Health Services                                   +4,600

         Leisure & Hospitality                                                +3,100

         Trade, Transportation & Utilities                              +2,100

         Government                                                                +800


The next snapshot of Arkansas’ employment market will be available next Friday (July 22) when June data is released.


To summarize, employment at the national and state levels is expanding at very low historical levels, and is uneven across sectors.


–Greg Kaza


Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (www.bls.gov)