State government should be measured for accountability and performance. (Murphy Commission, 1998)

(July 2009) The state Department of Community Corrections includes performance measures in its “Agency Strategic Plan, Fiscal Years 2007-2011.” The performance measures can be viewed on pages 3-4, 6-7 and 9 of the following document:

Community Corrections should also undergo an independent performance review. Performance measures and reviews date to the Murphy Commission, a Policy Foundation project that spent three years (1996-98) reviewing state government. The Pew Center on the States has identified the following process for independent performance reviews of community corrections:

  1. 1) Evidence-Based Practices
  2. 2) Earned Compliance Credits
  3. 3) Administrative Sanctions
  4. 4) Performance Incentive Funding
  5. 5) Performance Measurement

The Pew document is available at: