
AETN Public TV Forum

(April 2008) Economists from the St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank, the Univ. of Arkansas and the Policy Foundation participated in a recent forum on the Arkansas economy that aired statewide on public television (AETN). The monthly show, ‘Unconventional Wisdom,’ is hosted by Stephens News Bureau columnist David Sanders, and can be viewed at: http://www.aetn.org/production/podcast/unconventional_media/march_28,_2008 Michael Pakko […]

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The Biggest Middle Class Tax Cut In Arkansas History

“The state’s income tax should be reduced … Consider an across-the-board cut, reduce the marginal rates, exempt taxpayers below a certain income level from filing, and expedite the process of indexing for inflation (Improving Productivity by Reducing Taxes and Taxes and Savings in Arkansas, Murphy Commission, 1998) Summary: Individual income tax brackets, in response to […]

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Performance-Based Budgeting and Activities-Based Costing

Performance-based budgeting would require state government to develop quantifiable measures for all functions and then allocate tax dollars based on the effectiveness of meeting performance goals. Activities-based costing allocates tax dollars in a consistent and uniform manner. The Murphy Commission, a Policy Foundation project recommended both ideas in 1998. Gov. Beebe sponsored a performance-based pilot […]

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Emphasis on Prevention

Arkansas is one of the poorest states in the nation, and also one of the least healthy according to health surveys. Proponents of a ‘Healthy Arkansas’ emphasis on prevention contend that more widespread use of good habits could have a profound effect on families, businesses, schools, faith-based groups and healthcare providers in the state. The […]

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  “(T)ax proposals should be submitted to a process of dynamic scoring in order to assess the economic impact. Findings should be reported to the public before enactment of the policies.” (Murphy Commission, 1998)   (March 24, 2008) Arkansas legislators will rely on a state revenue estimate based on an $8 natural gas futures contract […]

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Letter Grades For K-12 Districts

Arkansas needs a more efficient K-12 public school system with fewer superintendents and other administrators. We should not close rural schools simply because they are small or rural if they are in compliance with Lake View and producing acceptable academic results. They can remain open under administrative restructuring where an administrative unit is defined as […]

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  “(T)ax proposals should be submitted to a process of dynamic scoring in order to assess the economic impact. Findings should be reported to the public before enactment of the policies.” (Murphy Commission, 1998)   (March 24, 2008) Arkansas legislators will rely on a state revenue estimate based on an $8 natural gas futures contract […]

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