
Arkansas 2007-2008 School District Rankings

Arkansas 2007-2008 School District Rankings Michael T. Scoles, Ph.D.1 Overview The Arkansas Policy Foundation (APF) has provided letter- grade rankings of Arkansas school districts, beginning with the spring 2005 administration of the Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS). For the 2007-2008 school year, the Arkansas Department of Education (ADE) began using the Stanford Achievement Test […]

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Community Corrections Needs Independent Performance Review

State government should be measured for accountability and performance. (Murphy Commission, 1998) (July 2009) The state Department of Community Corrections includes performance measures in its “Agency Strategic Plan, Fiscal Years 2007-2011.” The performance measures can be viewed on pages 3-4, 6-7 and 9 of the following document: http://www.dcc.arkansas.gov/pdfs/publications/StrategicPlan07-11.pdf Community Corrections should also undergo an independent […]

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When Will The Recession End?

  Summary: U.S. payroll employment or industrial production growth for one quarter will suggest the recession is ending. (June 5, 2009) The most frequent question we hear is: ‘When will the recession end?’1 Last May 2 we announced the U.S. economy entered recession in January 2008. Our forecast missed by one month. The National Bureau of Economic Research […]

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Failing District In Foundation Survey Among Four Arkansas Districts That Face Restructuring

  “The General Assembly should enact legislation which restructures … Arkansas’ existing 311 school districts into not more than 134 “administrative units” where an administrative unit is defined as “one superintendent and an associated superintendent’s staff.” (Murphy Commission, “Streamlining and Cost-Saving Opportunities in Arkansas’ K-12 Public Education System,” September 1998) (May 2009) The Turrell School […]

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Ex-St. Louis Fed Chief Criticizes Bank Bailouts, Sees Long-Term Inflation

  (April 2009) Ex-St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank President William Poole criticized federal bank bailouts and forecast long-term inflation during three April 16 forums in Conway co-sponsored by Hendrix College and the Policy Foundation. Morning Session: Apply ‘Market Discipline’ to Banks Dr. Poole told undergraduate Hendrix students in a morning session that “market discipline” should […]

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Democratic State Sen. Mike Beebe’s Performance-Based Budgeting Pilot Program 1999

Excerpts from PA 222 of 1999 Title A Pilot Program Of Performance-Based Program Budgeting And Strategic Planning By The Legislative Council; And For Other Purposes Subtitle Performance-Based Program Budgeting And Strategic Planning Pilot Program Section 1. Definitions. (a) “Performance-based program budget” means a budget that incorporates approved programs and performance measures. (b) “Performance-based program appropriation” […]

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Blue Print For Hard Times

Government, in order to be lean and effective, needs to be infused with market forces; less of a monopoly provider of services; and measured for accountability and performance. The most effective government concentrates its resources in achieving a core mission aimed at carrying out essential functions. (Murphy Commission, 1998) (January 2009) The economy has entered […]

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Arkansas Government Misses Rolling Deflation

Summary: Rolling deflation surprises Arkansas government. (March 2009) The Consumer Price Index, an inflation measure, was zero in 2008, the lowest reading since 1955 (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis). Declining asset classes have left unprepared Americans exposed to the economic phenomenon of deflation. “Thinking about deflation,” the Policy Foundation warned […]

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